Everyone responds differently to worship, prayer, music, scripture and sermons so it is good to know how you best experience your faith. Identifying the places and types of spiritual activities you find relatable can pave a path for intentional personal growth. We also believe a church should connect people because our spirituality grows when we develop relationships in our church community. We hope visitors, congregants, and members grow spiritually and find greater community through our programs.
Our Spiritual Paths are identified as Serving, Learning, Being and Gathering. These categories follow Corinne D Ware’s work on the Spiritual Wheel which diagrams one’s Spirituality Type. She developed the spirituality type indicator which works with two continuums , Head & Heart and Knowledge & Mystery, which would be the two center axioms in the circle pictured. We are encouraging individuals to pick up a copy or download the 15 question spirituality type indicator (the document below) to give a general idea of how one personally experiences God along with pages describing each of the four spirituality types.
the_spirituality_wheel_indicator.ware.pdf |